The Voice of Healthcare Podcast, Episode 18: Mayo Clinic Edition

The Voice of Healthcare, The Voice of Healthcare Summit, The Voice of Healthcare Podcast, Matt Cybulsky, Dr. Cybulsky, Dr. Matt Cybulsky, Matthew Cybulsky, #voicefirst, #ai, Ionia, Reid Maclellan, Dr. Reid Maclellan, voice of healthcare podcast, voi…

The team from Mayo Clinic joins co-hosts Bradley Metrock (CEO, Score Publishing) and Dr. Matt Cybulsky (Principal, IONIA) to discuss The Alexa Conference, Mayo Clinic's approach to voice, and the organization's success with the "First Aid" Alexa skill. Dr. Reid Maclellan (Harvard Medical, Boston Children's Hospital) is introduced as Bradley Metrock's replacement as incoming co-host of the show. The Voice of Healthcare is part of the VoiceFirst.FM podcast network.